fishy fishy
We bought a fish. A fighting fish to be precise.
It was from one of those farms at Pasir Ris Farmway. It wasn't cheap -> $1.50 for the fish, $6 for the tank, $3 for the fish food, and $4 for the goddamn plant. Compared to other fish farms and aquariums like Hausmann Marketing Aquarium at Lim Chu Kang or Mainland tropical at Pasir Ris farmway. Anyway, this place, I can't remember what is it called, except that this has this highly marketed Kid's Kampong in the compound. Anyway, the kids kampong isn't worth it, they charge you to enter the feeding area ($1, wtf?), and then they charge you again for the fish feed. Compared to Hausmann, which charges only $6 for an half an hour fishing session, and in return for the release of all fishes, you get lots of free stuff (see above), you can obviously tell that the former is swindling you, especially if they sell the same plastic tank for $6.50. Mainland is not bad too, they charge $4 per session, and you get to keep all the fishes you caught :)
But anyway, that is not the point. I guess in my haste to have a fish, spurred by jealousy that my tuition kid and L got to keep two goldfish each, I bugged the bf for a fish. Partially because I knew he kept fishes before and wouldn't object too much. So anyway he got the fish, and the tank, which he thought was too large initially (I didn't), and I got the plant to sorta provide oxygen and beautification, except that I found out later that it wasn't needed (the air-breathing fish comes up to the surface for air). Still it looks gorgeous, and it's quite theraputic to look at, considering our little Fin likes to hide under the block of soil, swim in and out of the gap beneath it , explore the gaps in between the stalks, and, fight with his own reflection, which is pretty amusing.
So there goes, a new home, with moderate sunlight, lots of hiding places, and more space to swim in (they were initially kept in small jars). We hope it'll be happy :)
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